Protect the places you love, for the ones you love
Almost fifty years ago, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s founders committed to an idea: that people working together can preserve, protect and celebrate historic places that tell the many stories of Hawai‘i. Today, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation—its trustees, staff and members—remain committed to this mission.
In order to support our long-term strategy and enhance HHF’s long-term stability, we have initiated a Legacy Gift Campaign to raise $3 million to fund an endowment by 2024, to mark HHF’s fiftieth anniversary. We invite you to join us in reaching this important goal by making a planned gift and help support heritage protection efforts for many decades ahead.
Our Heritage, Your Impact
Did you know that Kaimukī was once home to a privately owned zoo and ostrich farm? Or have you considered that when the H1 Freeway was first built, it diverted traffic away from Wai‘alae Avenue, sparing the area from redevelopment during the ’50s and ’60s?
With this history in mind, over 80 guests embarked on a walking tour of Kaimukī organized by HHF’s Programs Committee. The tour was a community-wide event, involving local businesses and students and teachers from four different schools in the area. Attendees admired the architecture of buildings from the early 1900s and learned the path of Kaimukī’s development at six different stops along the main thoroughfare. The tour concluded at Mud Hen Water with delightful food and drink and a special appearance by Chef Ed Kenney who shared why he chose to establish his restaurants in “old buildings”. The spirit of collaboration and community underlined the locally-infused charm of Kaimukī that we cherish today.
Tours like this are one of the strengths of HHF’s educational initiatives to increase awareness, understanding and public support for historic preservation. You can help ensure that these positive outcomes continue in the future by making a planned gift.

Across the state, HHF engages in meaningful partnerships and collaborative efforts with property owners, community organizations, governmental bodies, businesses and individuals to help protect our historic resources.
A gift in your will provides HHF with longer-term support to bring these partnerships to fruition, promoting preservation outcomes and delivering practical solutions to challenges.

You can help empower people to make changes in their own communities to sustain, improve and enrich people’s lives.
Your gift will enhance Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s capacity to provide the preservation tools, assistance and resources that make preservation possible statewide.

“One of the things I value most about Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation, is not only does it preserve historic sites, but that it supports the connection between people and place today, whether that’s through social events, support of community partners, or education. Historic places are not just relics of the past, but a living part of who we are today.”
Lehua Kauhane
Member of the Board of Trustees
Planning Your Legacy
Thoughtful gift planning can help perpetuate your values, while providing long-term support to help protect the places in Hawai‘i that are close to your heart. Without committing any money today, a gift to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation through your will or estate plan can one day help us preserve places that are essential to maintaining the quality of life here in the Islands. Or if you’d prefer an income-bearing gift, we can introduce you to a variety of options that can help you meet your financial goals, while enabling you to create a legacy that reflects your commitment to preservation.
No matter what form of support you choose, your gift will have great impact in preserving historic places that provide a window to the past and source of inspiration for generations to come.

“Continued development, redevelopment and demographic shifts are, in my opinion, very significant issues that will be part of our future as an island community. I believe that it is incumbent upon us, as an organization and as concerned, thoughtful individuals, to make sure that we do whatever we can to identify and support the preservation of historic elements that could so easily be lost in the torrents of change that we are experiencing in Hawaii.”
Giving Opportunities
There are many ways to help preserve places with Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, including gifts that you can make now, gifts that will have impact in the future and gifts that provide you with lifetime income.
Find the Right Gift
Bequests are gifts that are made as part of a will or trust. Bequests are gifts of the future that cost you nothing now, while allowing you to retain control of your assets to meet your family’s needs during your lifetime. Bequests enable you to provide your heirs with tax savings or a reduced tax burden and the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy to protect Hawai‘i’s historic places and heritage that you care deeply about.
How It Works
- Make a bequest of a specific asset (cash, securities or other property) or percentage of your estate by including a bequest provision in your will or revocable trust. You may do this while creating your will or trust, or you can amend your existing one with a simple document. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation can be named as either a primary or a contingent beneficiary.
- If you plan to restrict the use of your bequest to a specific focus or program, please contact HHF while drafting your will or trust to ensure your wishes can be fulfilled.
- Informing HHF of your commitment is especially important for gifts of real estate, art, or other specialized property.
- Historic Hawai‘i Foundation receives the gift after your lifetime and applies it to the purpose(s) you specified.
- Your distribution is fully deductible for federal estate tax purposes, and there is no limit on the deduction your estate can claim. In addition, the gift is usually exempt from state inheritance taxes. Please consult your tax advisor.
- Your gift costs you nothing now.
- A bequest offers flexibility, allowing you to retain control of your assets to meet your family’s needs during your lifetime.
- You can provide your heirs with tax savings or a reduced tax burden.
- You can share the causes you wish to support with your loved ones and involve them in your philanthropic goals.
- You will be remembered as someone who made a special commitment to cherish and protect Hawai‘i’s places of history and heritage.
Sample bequest language
“I give _____%/Amount/Item to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, a nonprofit organization registered and existing under the laws of the State of Hawai‘i, with principal business address of 680 Iwilei Road, Suite 690, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817 and tax ID 23-7441972 for its general charitable purposes.”
If you have extra income, for example income from the sale of an appreciated stock, and wish to make donations to charities over several years while receiving tax benefits, a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) may be a suitable option for you. Here’s how it works:
With a fully deductible gift of $100,000 or more in cash, appreciated securities or even real estate, you can create your own fund at a public charity or sponsoring organization, such as Fidelity Charitable or Vanguard Charitable, the nonprofit arms of financial investment firms. The sponsoring organization invests the assets and manages the account.
Once a fund is established, you then recommend distributions from your fund to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation and other qualified charitable organizations on your own timeline—no more year-end rush.
A DAF enables you to involve family members in the decision-making process, encouraging them to form their own traditions in philanthropy.
Service fees associated with DAFs are usually minimal. Meanwhile, the assets in your fund are invested and have the opportunity to grow tax-free while you make your charitable decisions at your own pace.
Contact your Financial Advisor about Donor Advised Funds to determine specific terms and conditions.
Required Information:
- Historic Hawai‘i Foundation
- Tax ID# 23-7441972
- Principal business address: 680 Iwilei Road, Suite 690, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817
By designating Historic Hawai‘i Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other qualified plans, you and your family can make an impactful gift while avoiding paying income tax on distributions. HHF, as a tax-exempt organization, will not owe taxes when it receives your retirement assets, and will benefit from the full value of your gift.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are at least 72 years of age and must take a required minimum distribution from your IRA, you can choose to direct all or part of the distribution as a gift to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation and avoid paying income tax on the gift amount. You may also pledge future distributions and establish a named endowed fund.
If you are interested in making a gift from your IRA, 401k or other retirement plan, please contact us and we will provide you with a sample letter of instruction to send to your plan administrator.
By designating Historic Hawai‘i Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you can have longer-term impact in helping people save historic places . It’s an easy way to make a difference for future preservation work.
How It Works
- You name Historic Hawai‘i Foundation as primary or contingent beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
- At death, the benefits pass to HHF free of federal estate tax and are applied either as an unrestricted gift or to the specific program you designated. The value of the policy may be removed from your estate for federal estate tax purposes; please consult your professional advisor.
If you’d like to make a significant gift to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation while receiving lifetime payments and lower income taxes on those payments, an income-bearing gift may be for you.
Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)
A CGA enables you to make a gift to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation while providing you with dependable income for life. A CGA is an agreement through which you make an irrevocable gift of cash or stock to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation (through a manager at a bank or trust) and the manager agrees to pay you—or up to two beneficiaries–fixed annuity payments for the rest of your life.
A CGA can be set up with a minimum gift of $10,000 in cash or securities. The minimum age for a beneficiary of a current CGA is 65 and 60 for a deferred CGA.
Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
If you wish to mini set up with a minimum gift of $10,000 in cash or securities, you may wish to consider a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT). You contribute an appreciated asset to a CRT and designate HHF to receive the remainder. The trustee sells the asset and invests the full value; you pay no immediate capital gains tax on the transfer. The trust pays a fixed percentage of the trust value to you or others receive income for life or for a specified number of years. These payments can supplement retirement income. You receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution to the CRT. When the trust terminates, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation receives the remainder interest for its use in accordance with your wishes.
A CRT can be established with a minimum gift of $100,000 in cash and securities or with real property worth $250,000 or more. It can last for the lifetime of one or more beneficiaries or for a specified number of years.
Find Your Purpose
Is the longer-term stability of the organization your primary concern?
By designating an unrestricted gift to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s endowment fund, you can help generate investment income to support Historic Hawai‘i Foundation’s operations and programs.
Would you like to increase our capacity to advocate across the Islands?
Champion the protection of historic places throughout Hawai‘i by supporting HHF’s Preservation Resource Center.
Are you concerned about the need to get younger generations involved in historic preservation?
Designating your gift to support our internship program or other forms of youth engagement would go a long way towards enhancing our capacity to reach younger generations.
Named Giving Opportunities
In recognition of your Legacy Gift, we would be honored to recognize you by naming a resource or program in your name. Potential opportunities include:
The Preservation Resource Center
An endowed Executive Director position
An education or advocacy initiative
A communications and multimedia program
Information is provided for general planning purposes and is accurate as of August 2020. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation does not provide legal, accounting or other professional service or advice. Please consult your legal and tax advisors regarding your specific situation.
These are only a few potential options
We would be happy to discuss your interests and explore meaningful ways of creating a personalized gift plan that achieves your philanthropic and financial goals.
Take these steps when making a planned gift:
Contact Historic Hawai‘i Foundation at (808)523-2900 or member@historichawaii.org. We can provide you with sample language for bequests or provide suggestions of how you may benefit from gift planning while also supporting historic preservation.
Contact your attorney and your financial advisor. Let them know you are considering a planned gift to Historic Hawai‘i Foundation. They can assist you in determining what type of gift best suits your personal and financial circumstances.
Discuss your legacy gift plans and personal wishes with family members.
Legal Information and Tax ID
If you wish to name Historic Hawai‘i Foundation in your will or estate plan, we should be named as:
Historic Hawai‘i Foundation, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Hawai‘i, with business address of 680 Iwilei Road, Suite 690, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Tax ID:
Our tax identification number is: 23-7441972
Date of Incorporation: May 1, 1975
Historic Hawai‘i Foundation is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Recognition of Your Legacy Gift
Donors who include Historic Hawai‘i Foundation in their estate plans will be invited to join our Legacy Circle, our way of honoring them for their special commitment.